The Indie Hacker Grind (May Edition)

Another month of exciting progress! We’ve built out the regression methods flow and finished up the image associated with each method. After we finish the regression methods we still need to fine tune about 20 additional methods before our content development is complete. Then we will start ramping up our marketing efforts. We’re hoping to increase the number of people using our tool and also get feedback on what we can do to make it more effective and easier to use.

In addition to content development, we are working on building out a platform that will enable you to run your statistical test directly from There are many ways we could implement this, but one might look like adding a RUN button to each method. Then, once you make it through the flow and you have the best method for your scenario, you can click RUN, upload your data, pick which variables you want to use, and it will run your test for you. After running the test, it will give you results, explanations of results, images showing differences, and recommendations based on the results of the statistical test. We’re pretty excited to combine picking the right statistical test, running it correctly, interpreting the results, and applying the results in real life all in the same easy to use software.

Web Stats Update (past 3 months)

Back links: 1 (my own blog post for testing purposes)
Organic search clicks: 22 (up from 12 last month)
Average clickthrough rate: 1.4% (up from 1.3% last month)
Impressions: 1,630 (up from 945 last month)
Google Search avg. position: 47 (down from 58.6 last month)

Image Stats Update (past 3 months)

Back links: 1 (my own blog post for testing purposes)
Organic search clicks: 36 (up from 18 last month)
Average clickthrough rate: 0.5% (the same as 0.5% last month)
Impressions: 7,400 (up from 3,310 last month)
Google Search avg. position: 51.9 (down from 57.8 last month)

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