What is the nature of your dependent variable (the variable you want to predict)?
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More Information (if you need help deciding)
What is the nature of your dependent variable (the variable you want to predict)?
Continuous: A continuous variable is a variable that can reasonably take on any value within a range. Good examples of continuous variables include height, weight, exam scores, income, salary, etc.
Binary: Binary means that your variable is a category with only two possible values. Some good examples of binary variables include gender (male/female) or any True/False or Yes/No variable.
Ordered Categorical: An ordinal variable is one with categories that have an inherent order. For instance, education level (GDE/Bachelors/Masters/PhD), income level (if grouped into high/medium/low) etc.
Categorical: A categorical variable is simply one with categories (in this case not ordered). Examples of categorical variables are eye color, city of residence, type of dog, etc.