You have chosen the G-Test of Goodness of Fit with your answers to the Choose Your StatsTest questions. To summarize how you got here:
- Choose Your StatsTest: You chose Difference. You are looking for a statistical test to compare your sample with another sample or a population average.
- Difference: You chose Proportional Variable of Interest. Your variable of interest is proportional, meaning it is usually a percentage or ratio.
- Proportional Variable of Interest: You chose One Group Variable. You only have one group of samples, and you would like to compare that sample with a population average.
- One Group Variable: You chose More Than Two Options. Your group variable takes on more than two values. For example, which day of the week did the customer buy your product (M/T/W/Th/F/S/S), or what is the customers eye color (blue/green/brown), etc.
- More Than Two Options: You chose More Than 10 In Every Cell (and more than 1000 in total). This means you have more than 10 rows of data (subjects or participants) for each option of your variable of interest and you have more than 1000 subjects or participants in total.
If any of these decisions were incorrect for your specific situation or do not accurately describe the nature of your data, please click back to the appropriate step and make the correct choice.
Click here to read more about the G-Test of Goodness of Fit.