The Indie Hacker Grind (April Edition)

The workflow for choosing the right statistical test is complete! We still have work to do building out all of the methods pages, but are making great progress. We should have all methods completed by June or July of this year.

Our initial goal for building the StatsTest workflow was to help anyone with data but lacking statistical expertise decide which statistical method was best. With the flow already completed and all of the method assumptions pages done in June/July, we will have accomplished that objective. The next phase of the project is to build out some statistical software that allows anyone to actually run their test online with the click of a button rather than simply finding which test is best. We weren’t planning on jumping into the statistical software piece just yet, but through a series of fortunate circumstances, this will come together a lot sooner than we anticipated. So look for more updates over the next few months on the statistical software tool we are building out.

We are seeing some decent search traffic over the past month. By decent, I mean we are actually seeing an increase this month rather than the past few months which have been pretty close to 0 across the board. Organic search growth is pretty awesome.

Web Stats Update (past 3 months)

Back links: 1 (my own blog post for testing purposes)
Organic search clicks: 12 (up from 5 last month)
Average clickthrough rate: 1.3% (down from 1.8% last month)
Impressions: 945 (up from 275 last month)
Google Search avg. position: 58.6 (down from 68.2 last month)

Image Stats Update (past 3 months)

Back links: 1 (my own blog post for testing purposes)
Organic search clicks: 18 (up from 2 last month)
Average clickthrough rate: 0.5% (up from 0.4% last month)
Impressions: 3,310 (up from 459 last month)
Google Search avg. position: 57.8 (down from 69.2 last month)

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